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How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

January 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 6:54 pm
brand-new toothbrush next to a toothbrush with frayed bristles

If you’re like most people, you grew up hearing your dentist and family members telling you that you need to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. But you probably weren’t told how often you should change your toothbrush. Using the same toothbrush for too long could render it not as effective and could even end up doing more harm than good. Keep reading to learn when you should change your toothbrush.


How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution of Flossing More Often

December 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 12:09 am
Woman flossing for her New Year's resolution

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? While many of us use the start of a New Year to set goals for ourselves, most don’t reach them. When making a New Year’s resolution, it’s essential that you choose a reasonable goal that can be achieved with practical habits. So if you’re looking for a resolution you’ll be able to stick to that will improve your health, why not start with flossing? Flossing plays a key role in preventing a wide range of oral health issues. Read on to learn more about why flossing is so important and a few helpful tips for keeping your New Year’s resolution to floss more often in 2021.


Don’t Forget Your Dental Checkup! 3 Tips for Making & Keeping Appointments

December 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 9:37 pm
Closeup of calendar reminding patient of upcoming dental checkups

Just like how your car needs periodic tune-ups to make sure it keeps running smoothly, it’s important to get two dental checkups every year to ensure your smile stays healthy! Regularly visiting your dentist helps them spot oral health issues as early as possible and treat them while they’re still small. However, even though you know dental cleanings and checkups are important, it’s not always easy to remember these appointments. Here are three practical tips for making and keeping your dental checkups.  


Be The Early Bird At the Dentist Office Next Year

November 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 7:43 pm
woman setting appointment

The new year is fast approaching, and if you have dental insurance benefits, your coverage is likely about to reset along with your calendar. Aside from meeting your deductible as quickly as possible, your Chaska dentist shares some other reasons why scheduling a dental checkup and cleaning early on is so important for your oral hygiene.


How to Avoid Winter Mouth Issues

November 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 7:38 pm
woman smiling in winter

The cooler months bring holidays, time spent with family and friends, and fun in the snow, but the cold dry air can do a number on your oral health. Winter mouth issues are something that many people deal with, but your Chaska dentist has some tips to share that can help you keep you fight against the freeze this season.


Five Tips to Help You Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

October 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 7:33 pm
dental insurance documents

The end of the year is approaching quickly, and like many others, you may find yourself still needing to take advantage of your dental insurance benefits. With the busyness of everyday life, preventive dental care is often something that gets placed on the backburner. If this has been the case for you, don’t worry, you still have time! You make a hard-earned investment in your coverage every month, so it’s important to make sure that you’re getting the most out of it. Keep reading to learn what your Chaska dentist shares about how you can maximize your dental insurance benefits and save more money in the long run.


Want To Save Money? Visit Your Dentist!

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 6:02 pm
Woman smiling at routine dentist's appointment

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, many Americans are beginning to feel a pinch in their wallet. If this sounds all too familiar, then you may be looking to cut extra expenses wherever possible. However, before you add your routine visit to the dentist to that list, it is important to remember how much not going can cost you. Read on to learn how your six-month checkup and cleaning can save you up to $12,500 on restorative and cosmetic treatment, as well as how dental insurance can help with the cost!


5 Questions to Ask at Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Appointment

August 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 8:24 pm
mother and young daughter visiting their family dentist

For most students, the beginning of this school year is vastly different from years past. Classes are partially or even entirely virtual. Those attending in-person classes will have to adhere to strict social distancing and mask wearing guidelines. However, one aspect of the back-to-school routine should never change, and that’s taking your child to see their family dentist. Since excellent oral health is linked to better general health, why not use the start of the school year to make sure your little one’s mouth is as healthy and clean as can be? Here are a few questions to ask your child’s dentist at their next checkup.


4 Reasons Dental Suction is So Important

May 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 4:43 pm
a dental suction device

That vacuum-like dental suction tube that your cosmetic dentist uses does more than just suck up every existing piece of saliva in your mouth. This dental tool is vital for your health and safety throughout your procedure and ensures that you’ll get the best possible results. Read on to learn about four reasons why your dentist needs to use dental suction during cosmetic, restorative, and preventive treatments.


Want to Avoid a Dental Emergency? Stay Away from These Foods

March 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:55 pm
person about to chew on ice

With the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic going on, the last thing you want to deal with is a dental emergency on top of all of that. Although most dentists are only treating dental emergencies at this point, you’ll likely still want to avoid all that panic and confusion, especially when you should be staying home if at all possible. Luckily, your dentist has written this guide on how to prevent a dental emergency by paying attention to what you eat.

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