White Oak Dental Blog
3 Dental Treatments Your Tax Return Can Pay For
April 6, 2023
The day that people get their tax refunds is always an occasion for celebration. If you’ve been putting off a big purchase for a while, that tax refund can be an opportunity to fund something that could desperately need it.
If you have dental insurance, you probably manage to take advantage of the preventive care covered by your plan. However, your tax refund could potentially go towards some dental care that insurance can’t ordinarily cover. Here are some examples.
(more…)5 Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Smile for Spring!
March 17, 2023
The weather is warming up, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are blooming. It’s official…springtime has arrived. This season is a time of renewal, which means spring cleaning is often a part of people’s “to-do” lists during March. While not often considered, you can always put your smile on that list! There’s no better time than now to push the reset button on your oral health. Here are five simple ways to refresh your smile for spring.
(more…)How Long Can You Count on Your Dental Fillings to Last?
March 7, 2023
If you have had one or more cavities in your lifetime, you are definitely not alone! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of adults 20 years and older have had at least one cavity. Fortunately, no one has to live with decayed or damaged teeth. Dental fillings have to ability to repair and restore your teeth to health. However, while you can count on them for quite a while, they won’t last forever. Here’s what to know about dental fillings’ lifespans and how you can get the most out of them.
(more…)How Gum Disease Can Harm Your Heart
February 17, 2023
Gum disease is an infection of the soft tissue that helps hold the teeth in place. Though it is easy to avoid with proper oral hygiene, nearly half of American adults have it. That’s approximately 65 million people. Gum disease can do a lot of harm to your smile, but the damage doesn’t stop there. Continue reading to learn about how it can raise your risk of cardiovascular issues as well as what you can do to prevent it.
(more…)5 Dental Products to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month
February 7, 2023
When it comes to raising a child, there is a lot to consider regarding their health. From what they eat to ensuring that they learn how to properly care for their bodies, smiles may sometimes be forgotten. Teaching your little ones about their smile will help them maintain good oral health as well as improve their overall well-being. That’s why Children’s Dental Health Month is dedicated to keeping growing smiles in good shape. Read on to learn about five oral hygiene products that will help you do that.
(more…)5 Questions to Get You Started for Your Smile Makeover
January 24, 2023
A bright, genuine smile not only makes you feel great but adds joy to other people. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that smiling is contagious: it triggers an automatic muscular response which, in turn, causes them to grin! Unfortunately, you may have a cosmetic flaw that can keep you from freely flashing your pearly whites. A smile makeover can bring you the confidence you have always wanted! But you might not know how to begin your journey with cosmetic dentistry. Here are five questions to ask your dentist to get you started.
(more…)New Year, New You! 3 Resolutions for an Improved Smile in 2023
January 2, 2023
As the new year approaches, it’s always beneficial to reflect on ways to improve your health so you can live your best life. While you may often just think about diet and exercise when it comes to your well-being, your dental health is also incredibly vital! By committing yourself to better oral hygiene habits, you can create a healthy, radiant grin, as well as improve your overall physical condition. Here are three easy resolutions to get your best smile in the upcoming year.
(more…)Should You Go to the ER for Dental Emergencies?
December 29, 2022
The last thing you want to happen when you’re in the middle of a fun night out with loved ones or a relaxing night in with your partner is to have a medical emergency. Whether it’s during a birthday celebration with your friends or a family dinner, there is never a good time to have a dental emergency. It can be difficult to stay calm in this situation and to figure out what to do next. Should you visit your dentist, or is it better to go to the emergency room? Continue reading to learn if visit the ER for dental emergencies is the best option.
(more…)3 Tooth-Friendly Holiday Stocking Stuffer Ideas
December 14, 2022
Now that the holiday season is here, you’re likely excited to munch on your favorite foods and spend time with your family. You might even be considering stocking stuffers for your loved ones to enjoy. While it can be tempting to go for normal gifts like candy canes and chocolates, it’s also good to consider items that’ll benefit their oral health in the long run. Keep reading to learn a few smile-friendly ideas from your dentist in Chaska!
(more…)4 Secrets Behind Successful Dental Implants
November 28, 2022
Over the years, dental implants have gotten more and more popular, with nearly 5 million new implant posts being placed each year. Part of the reason why so many patients choose dental implants is that the procedure is extremely reliable. Depending on what study you look at, the dental implant success rate is as high as 98%! What’s the secret behind this success? Here are 4 key factors.